22 November 2010

How does this happen?

This is the kind of student I once was...

Then I turned into this..

And I'm affraid It is going to get worse.

How do you supposed I get back to where I used to be? I used to love school,
and now I'd rather do anything else BUT school.

19 days left of this horrible semester...
hopefully I get everything done that I need to.


  1. maybe your classes are harder? i don't know...lol you are a wife now and have a home, both of those take up a lot of time and you're a newlywed there are lots more things i am sure you would rather do than homework...give yourself a break a B is still good! and hey at least your passing :)

  2. um.... those grades are really good.

    way better than anything i ever got and you're in college.

    is this my fault? i'm a bad example.

  3. Kathryn, your still a good student, dork.
    But I agree with Kaylee, you are a wife now with a few more responsibilities and distractions!!

    Only 19 more days!! That will go really quick! :)

  4. This same thing happened to me. They could be worse though! But its WAY hard to get them back up. For me anyway. It takes so much dedication. My word of advice. Don't have a baby until you're pretty much done!!! ;]

  5. I think school is a lot harder when you are a newly wed- you just want to hang out with the hubs and your priorities have changed. I bet your classes are harder too. It's ok though- you don't need to be a straight A student- just pass everything and you are good!

  6. ummmm HELLO! Why are you even complaining? Those grades are GOOD. My goal through college was to PASS. So, I don't think you need to be fretting. In the end, grades mean NOTHING.

    And actually, if by some weird chance the jobs you apply for actually care what your GPA is, most prefer students with a B average over a C average. It shows that you have interests beyond school and lived a more balance life.

  7. *** correction - I meant A average (not C). ... That's what happens when you try to multi-task. oops.


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