28 October 2014

A spooky FHE & Pongo

A couple weeks ago after we had Family Home Evening, we decided to make a spooky treat for the upcoming holiday. We made these little ghosts or "ghostys" as Lucy calls them, and they were a hit! Lucy had so much fun dipping the pretzels and putting little "eyes" on them. Lucy is becoming the sweetest little girl, and I can't believe how grown up she is. This night our lesson was on eternal families, and I had shown Lucy a picture of a family that I had colored and she had the same picture that she was working on coloring. Days and even weeks after this night, anytime she sees that picture, she takes it to the corner and sits down, folds her arms, and asks to say a prayer. It really is the sweetest thing ever. She has been really enjoying saying her prayers recently, and we have said prayers just about everywhere... in the bathroom, the car, dinner, bedtime, playtime... I can honestly say as a mom trying to raise a child (children) in this crazy time, I am thankful for those sweet moments when my 2 year old reminds me what is most important. I sure love being Lucy's mom! 

I think I have mentioned before that Lucy's favorite movie is 101 Dalmatians. She asks to watch "Pongo" any chance she gets and she never gets sick of it. One night my mom and dad had been in SLC at City Creek picking up my dads new suit for his mission, and they came across this "pongo" at the Disney store, and surprised Lucy with it! (Spoiled girl) Ever since getting pongo, she has not let him out of her sight. I snapped this picture the first night she had him, she was insistant that she needed him to go to sleep, and now he has become part of her bedtime routine! She really is the sweetest.  

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