08 March 2011

The snow.

I am more than ready for this snow to be gone, and for summer to be here...

But I do have to admit...
I love looking at my house after a big snow storm.

I took this early this morning, as I was leaving for work! But you get the idea..

I think it is so adorable!


  1. I do think trees are pretty with fresh snow on them. [Can't believe i just said that... so unlike me.] Ha.

    But I too am WAY ready for summer. I can't wait to see your house with a fresh cut lawn and pretty flowers. I bet you will love that look even more!

  2. that is adorable! it makes me miss my cute little west point house. they look like cute little cottages in the winter huh! oh kathryn...what a fun little house!

  3. That really is adorable!

    & I HATE winter as well! :)


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