15 March 2011

Maebs and Matt.

I NEVER thought I would be one of those people that treat their dogs like children...
in fact, I used to make fun of them on a regular basis.

but honestly, I can't help it!

Maeby is so cute, and I really do love her so much! She is the best little puppy!

Matt and Maebs are best friends and she loves to lay on him and watch TV.
Its really cute, because she really just stares at the TV and will literally watch whatever is on!

These two little sweeties are all I need! :)
Matt helped me get through a sad little moment last week, and it just made me realize how much
I really love him and what a great husband he is to me!

I know we were "meant to be". I couldn't imagine being this happy with anyone else!!

I love you Matty
and you too Maeby baby!

PS. I gladly admit that I am now one of those people :)


  1. I use to be the exact same! I made fun of those people until we got Rambino!!

  2. don't be ashamed! that's what they're here for, to LOVE! Maeby is so big now! she's like a dog now!!!

  3. Ohhh no!! My best friend is a crazy puppy lady!

  4. haha Emily I really am!! It is so pathetic! But she is so cute! Maybe if you had a baby I would be the crazy baby lady instead! :)

    Just an idea!

  5. Kathy... does this mean that you made fun of me before you got Maeby? because i was exactly the same way until i got Chewy haha now i could not live with out him.... even when he does little things like make Nick chase him up the street for 45 minutes :)

  6. I totally understand... That's how I feel about jodie's dog who is the naughtiest puppy ever, but I just love her like a person! Kelly thinks I'm nuts!

  7. Olive is our baby for sure! Oh my gravy... I pack a little bag of toys and treats and her favorite blanket when I take her to my mom's. What have we become?! haha My sisters are the same about their dogs too... My mom calls them her Grand dogs and makes them blankets along with the grand children at Christmas time!


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