12 September 2012

week 5, 6 and the nursery.

Lucy just keeps growing! She is now six weeks old and just over 8 pounds. She tries really hard to hold her head up all by herself, and to stand up on our legs. She prefers to sleep naked and sleeps longest in mom and dads bed. (I am not a real supporter of "co-sleeping" but some nights I will do ANYTHING for sleep.) The longest she sleeps at a time is 6 hours, and in all honestly that feels like days to me! I feel like a new woman when I get that much sleep. She will smile at us and she even giggled at Matt one day. She loves her binki and loves to eat. She is the sweetest little baby ever and I am so lucky to be her mom. 

A few people have asked me to post pictures of her nursery. The reason I haven't posted anything yet, is because it isn't really finished. I still need to get some pictures printed, a canvas hung and a mirror hung. I'll get there eventually... :) 

but here is what we have so far. My goal for this room was to be very calm and simple. I don't like a lot of crap on the walls and I didn't want it to be too bright or busy. I wanted it to be as sweet and peaceful as a new baby. So here is Lucy's room so far.. 

Crib: Pottery Barn 
Bedding: Pottery Barn
Rug: Ikea
Chair: RC Willey
Night Stand: Was my Grandpas when he was a little boy, Matt fixed it up for Lucy :) 
Mirror (on the floor waiting to be hung): Hobby Lobby 

This is a picture of the first time Matt made her giggle. I was holding the camera and tried to snap a picture as fast as I could, so its pretty blurry and a really bad angle... but its a moment I am glad I could capture. 

And she isn't sure how she feels about "tummy time". 
Such a little sweetie. 

Being a mom is the best job ever. 

as a side note, Matt and I started Insanity this week. 
we are only three days in and my body hates me. 
having a baby really does a number on you. 
wish me luck. 
3 days down, 57 to go. 


  1. I love it Sugar! You did so good. & way to go on this insanity thing, you're amazing! Love you!!

  2. She is absolutely adorable, little girls are just the sweetest things ever! And I LOVE the nursery, Pottery Barn has the most adorable things, I just redid Paislee's bedding with stuff from there. I am so happy for you!

  3. such a cutie! Taylee woke up every 3 hours until she was 7 months old! Love the nursery !

  4. The nursery is so cute and you always have her dressed so cute!! Ps did I tell you how jealous and baby hungry I am?! Haha

  5. Two things. 1) I totally read that Lucy loves her bikini :) I was a little offended I never got the invite to the pool, and a little upset you weren't enforcing the one piece rule from the get go. 2) You forgot to tell everyone that the mirror "use to be my sister Brittany's when she was 27 years old"

  6. Kathryn, she is absolutely adorable! I love your style with her bedroom that's exactly how I wanna do my kids' rooms. Where did you order insanity? Did you pay the full amount for it?

  7. Randee we bought it off ksl from a lady in Clinton. It was still in the box and everything! :) it's a tough workout but totally worth it!


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