03 July 2012

The Belly...

Last week, we [last minute] scheduled some quick maternity pictures. I feel like I waited a little too long to get these taken, my face really started filling out the last couple weeks :( But aside from that, I had my friend Michelle Liegert take these.

My belly keeps growing each day, but thankfully my weight gain has been put on hold.. Weird right? Even though I love feeling all of our baby's little movements, hiccups and kicks; I am definitely ready for her to be here. We have ONE MONTH left. Yikes. It went by so quickly, it is almost scary. When I think about the last 9 months, I really can't believe they have already come and gone. She can come at anytime now and be totally healthy. It's a weird feeling, knowing that at anytime our lives are going to change forever, but I really can't wait to meet her and start our journey through parenthood.