This is a bit lengthy. Don't feel obligated to read it all; but I wanted to write every detail so I could remember this day perfectly.
Lucy's birth is something I wont ever forget, I wish I could relive it every day. It was the most amazing day that Matt and I have experienced other than our sealing. There is nothing better than bringing a new little spirit into this world, knowing that Heavenly Father trusts you to raise them, teach them, and love them. To be honest, I still can't even talk about Lucy's birth story without crying and I may or may not be crying as I type this. I feel so blessed to be Lucy's mom and I still can't believe she is ours. She is absolutely perfect.
To begin this story, I'll take you back a few weeks. When I went in to my 36 week appointment Dr. Spencer checked me and did and did an ultrasound. I was dilated to a 2 and 70% thinned. He told me my cervix was soft and ready to go. I was feeling really confident that I would be able to go into labor on my own and that we would be having a baby soon! At this same appointment, we also found out that Dr. Spencer would be out of town on my due date. I started to panic a little bit because I couldn't imagine anyone else delivering our baby. He told me that if I didn't have her on my own I was a good candidate for an induction and that could be an option if I wanted to. A lot of people had asked me during my pregnancy if I would want to be induced. To be honest, I really really didn't want to be. I know that lots of women get started and have perfectly healthy babies and deliveries, but I wanted to avoid it at all costs. Matt and I decided we would wait a little longer to make that decision, and hopefully Lucy would just come on her own. Fast forward two more weeks, I went in for my 38 week appointment and I was checked again, I hadn't progressed at all, and Dr. Spencer was leaving to go out of town the following week. After a lot of discussion and debate, we decided to go ahead and schedule an induction for the upcoming Monday! That was only four days away and I was a bit in shock. After we left the doctors office, I kept crying and was having a major anxiety attack. I couldn't believe that we would be having a baby in just a few days and suddenly everything seemed so scary.
We spent the next few days finishing all preparations and making sure everything was ready. I was still pretty nervous about being induced and felt a little guilty, as if I was forcing Lucy to come out before she was ready. Sunday night around 11:00 Matt gave me a blessing. At midnight I went into Labor at exactly 39 weeks. :) My contractions were about 4 minutes apart and felt different than all the braxton hicks I had felt before. I kept questioning if I was really in labor or not, so I decided to try to get a few hours of sleep, since I was scheduled to go into the hospital at 5:30 am. I finally fell asleep around 2 and woke up at 4:30. We got ready and headed up to the hospital. I got hooked up to all the machines and monitors and was still contracting about every 4 minutes. Dr. Spencer got there around 6:45 and checked me, I was dilated to a 4 and 90% thinned. He then broke my water and thats when the contractions REALLY started. They were every 1 to 2 minutes and really painful. Matt kept trying to make me laugh but I could barely focus on making sure to breath. About an hour later I was able to get my epidural, which is heaven!! I have no idea how women go through labor and delivery without one. After my epidural was in affect my nurse, Peggy, started my pitocin on a very low dose. After only being on the pitocin for about a half hour, Lucy's heart rate started to tank. And when I say tank, I really mean it. She was down in the 60's and was struggling to get back up to a healthy rate. I had two nurses in my room within minutes and I was put on oxygen and continued to change positions until her heart rate got back up to where it should be. Peggy talked to me about the possibility of having a C Section but tried to keep me calm. She then decided it would be best to take me off the pitocin. I was worried I wouldn't progress very fast without it, and be in labor for most of the day. Thankfully I continued to dilate every hour and was moving pretty fast. My nurse came in to check me before she went to lunch. This was around noon, she told me I was dilated to a 7 and she thought that when she got back from lunch I would be ready to have the baby. I didn't take her too seriously, because with my mom and sisters, once they get to a 7 they stop progressing. To my surprise, Peggy came back from lunch and I had dilated to a 9! It was about 1:20 and the techs and nurses started prepping my room for the delivery. As soon as Peggy left the room, Lucy's heart rate dropped again, and wasn't coming back up. She rushed back in and said that she felt like I needed to be checked again. It had literally only been two minutes and I was dilated to a 10 and ready to push. She had me push through three contractions to help move Lucy down a little bit and to teach me how to push. Dr. Spencer got there and we were ready to go. I was very lucky and only had to push four times to get our little girl out and at 2:02pm she was born. We did however have a small issue. Lucy's cord was wrapped around her neck twice, and she was very purple. Dr. Spencer stayed very calm, quickly got the cord off and she was finally able to breath. It was no wonder her heart rate kept going so low. Even though Lucy was quite small, and could have probably used another week or two in my belly, I know Heavenly Father was looking out for us. Had she stayed in any longer, we may not have gotten her here safely, or at all. I know that everything happens for a reason, exactly when its supposed to happen. I don't think it was any coincidence that I went into labor that night. Not only did I get to avoid being "induced", but our sweet girl was able to make it here safe and sound. I am so thankful I had such an amazing nurse and doctor. I know that they were both inspired to handle things the way they did. They both took such good care of me and our little one.
The minute I heard Lucy's cry, I couldn't help but cry too. In those special moments of her being born, the veil seemed very thin and I could definitely feel the comfort and love of our Heavenly Father. I knew that our sweet little girl was coming from his presence to ours. It was very overwhelming, and so rewarding. I don't think I will ever be able to fully describe the way I felt right then; the moment I became a mother, but it was amazing. I never understood how rewarding motherhood could possibly be, until it happened to me. I can't imagine our life without Lucy Marie. She brings both Matt and me so much joy. She is truly a special spirit, and even though I don't want her to get any bigger, I can't wait to see the little lady she grows up to be. With every late night feeding or while Lucy sleeps during the day, I fall in love with her even more. Being a mom is the greatest blessing I could have ever been given and I am so glad that I have been given this wonderful opportunity. My life has been forever changed, and I couldn't be happier!
Now for the picture overload...
Talking to my mom on the phone. She was coaching me on how to breath during a contraction.
After my epidural... Happy as ever!
Matt had to take a test the very next morning, so he was studying while we waited for baby.
So tiny. 6lbs 6oz 19.5 inches long.
Putting on her first diaper.
Holding her for the first time. Its a good thing you can't see my face.. I was a crying mess!
After her first bath, so sweet and so clean.
Family Photo
She came out sucking her thumb.. haha its really cute.
Little grandpa wrinkles and a big yawn!
I seriously can't get enough of her!!! I am so happy she is here and so happy to be her mom!
I love you so much Lucy Marie Olsen.